Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Doggy Coat

We picked up a coat for Molly. It's a thinly padded windbreaker, reflective stripes, with a velcro strap around her neck and another around the barrel of her body. She is tolerant of it but refuses to break out in a full run in it. She periodically peers over her shoulders and glares at it. After we take it off, she shakes her whole body and proceeds to straighten her fur. Prissy girl. ;-)

As for new tricks...she's slowly learning to sit up on her hind legs for treats via command and hand gesture. Her front legs pinwheel in the air and it's usually less than graceful but it's always adorable. She's also got a much better grasp of the stairs now and follows Jason up and down them wherever he goes. I can't wait to get her out on an agility track but am letting her get comfy here before pushing her to a new realm.

1 comment:

  1. HI,

    Been reading all your updates. Yes, it is funny that they have to "learn" stairs, but generally they are so motivated to be with you that they figure it out over a period of a few days to a week. I've also noticed that walking with them seems to help.

    I can just see Molly's reaction to her new coat. "You want me to wear what?" Funny.

    Sounds like she's settling in well, all things considered. I am so glad she found her home for the holidays! Thanks for all you're doing for her. Please, please - photo of her "sitting up?"

    ForPaws Corgi Rescue
